Ghadeer Mobasher participated in the BioCreative VII Challenge
BioCreative: Critical Assessment of Information Extraction in Biology is a community-wide effort for evaluating text mining and information extraction systems applied to the biological domain. BioCreative has been an invaluable source for advancing state-of-the-art text mining methods by providing reference datasets and a collegial environment to develop and evaluate these methods in both shared and interactive modes. BioCreative VII focused around detection of chemicals, drugs and related substances with three tracks: Track 1 (DrugProt) focuses on the detection of interactions between chemicals/drugs/substances and genes/proteins in abstracts, Track 2: (NLM Chem track) focuses on detecting chemical names and their MeSH encoding in full-length articles and Track 3: Medications in Tweets focuses on extracting medication mentions from social media. Ghadeer Mobasher participated in Track 2 and worked together with Lukrécia Mertová on extracting and identifying chemicals and linking them to MesH. You can find their paper at bioRxiv or here.
Take a look at their poster presentation!