Abstract Submission PoLiMeR Final Symposium Abstract Submission PoLiMeR Final Symposium Name of Presenter *Email Address *Title *Authors *List all authors and make use of numbers to link them to the correct affiliation in the next field (e.g. John Doe (1,2))Affiliations *Use numbers to link the authors in the previous field to the correct affiliation (e.g. 1 Affiliation1, 2 Affiliation2, etc.)Abstract (max. 250 words) *0 / 250ReferencesAdd references if neededSession *Select one of the sessionsSession I - Enzyme catalysis at the polymer surfaceSession II - Pathway dynamicsSession III - Combinatorial explosion of molecular speciesSession IV - Spatial and hierarchical regulationSession V - Natural Language Processing fo the Life ScienceSelect the session in which your abstract fits bestSubmit Abstract